People who use psychedelic or “party” drugs often regard them as no big deal. Federal law and Arizona state law dramatically disagree. A conviction for the possession of MDMA can have very serious consequences that will negatively impact the life of an individual for...
Although some people believe that certain drugs can harmlessly be used for self discovery, the government and the state of Arizona see the situation very differently. LSD is a federally illegal psychedelic drug, and possession of LSD is a serious crime. If you’ve been...
The Damianakos Law Firm represents people in Tucson that have been charged with bothfelonies and misdemeanors. Both types of crimes require an aggressive defense, although mostpeople are more intimidated by the potential consequences of a felony conviction.If you’ve...
Money laundering is not a common crime, but it is a serious crime. Any money obtained through illegal means leaves a trail when it’s spent. If someone sells drugs for a living and doesn’t have an income on the books, yet they’re making top dollar purchases, this sets...
Marijuana use is legal for people with medical marijuana cards, even though marijuana is regarded as a substance than can impair one’s ability to operate a motor vehicle. DUI laws were designed to keep people from driving while impaired by substances, leaving medical...
A criminal arrest or conviction can affect people in different ways. In Arizona and nationwide, a criminal conviction or a criminal arrest can have severe consequences such as the ability to get or keep a job, rent an apartment, or continue to receive public...